Heal From your past, free your authentic self, and transform yourself & your life

Overcome Your Fear Of Speaking Up With Our Transformative Toolkit

Discover a path to emotional freedom, healing & personal growth unlike any other.

JULY SALE: Purchase the Toolkit now for €33 instead of €49. 

Overcome your Fear of Speaking Up & Free your authentic Voice!

Setting Boundaries Toolkit

This toolkit is designed for everybody who feels ready to finally overcome the fear of speaking up and free their true and authentic voice. 

Learn why it is so hard for you to speak up, set a boundary or share your truth. Discover to which unprocessed events from your past your fear of speaking up is connected to, and feel the suppressed emotions that are behind it.

This will help you to integrate your lost and wounded parts, and slowly over time create enough emotional tolerance to feel confident to speak up, set a boundary, say no, and express all that is living inside of you fully and freely.

“The tools are so helpful, stepping into all the suppressed emotions from childhood together with my inner child and to be held. Freeing both of us. Noticing that anger, a scary emotion, is actually the most important thing to go towards, instead of running away from it. I feel it now as a warm support in my lower back. This is a very important step that I made.” 

- Angelina

Discover Why You Fear Speaking Up

Your fear of speaking up, setting boundaries and expressing your truth is not just a surface-level issue – it’s a deep-rooted collective (and intergenerational) trauma that holds you back from achieving your dreams and living your most authentic life. 

When you learn to speak your truth, say no, and set healthy boundaries, you’ll start to feel safer and more grounded within yourself. You’ll realize that the power and freedom you seek are already within you, waiting to be unleashed.

Overcoming this fear is essential for manifesting your desires, sharing your gifts with the world, creating fulfilling relationships, and in the end create the changes individually and collectively that are so much needed right now. 

Purchase the Toolkit now for €33 instead of €49. 

Overcome your Fear of Speaking Up & Free your authentic Voice!

Healing Guilt Somatic Exercise

What If…

> You finally felt the courage to say no when you feel like it?

> You instantly know what you want when someone asks you something?

> You start to recognize your ‘no’ in your body and act upon it?

> You could get rid of your attachment to the approval of others and found the courage to walk your own path?

> Finally dared to let go of expectations of your parents, family, friends, colleagues, manager or boss?

> Understand why you are so afraid to speak your truth, share a preference, a need, a wish, a boundary, and with this awareness understand what you need to do it anyway?

> You feel confident enough to stand up, speak up or stay silent when you feel like it?

> On a bodily level you are able to regulate yourself before speaking up and carry yourself through it without losing your voice?

> You just know your worth and trust the truth that is living inside of you?

Do you feel like we are directly talking to you and your desires? Then this toolkit is for you!

We have gathered 8 of our best healing tools to help you overcome your fear of speaking up and find the courage to express all that is living inside of you fully and freely.

What Makes Our Toolkit Unique?

People pleasing

Holistic Healing Approach

Away from traditional (talk) therapy and coaching Beyond Psychology has created new tools for self-discovery, healing, transformation and growth. Our tools follow a holistic approach and combine somatic and emotional healing practices with psychological theory & guidance. 

All our tools are designed to help you as if you are in a 1-on-1 session with a psychologist. They aim to bring you in a receptive and investigative state of being from which you can understand, feel, release and heal negative childhood experiences, blockages, suffering, trauma, and suppressed emotions at the root. 

Overcoming perfectionism

Self-Guided Discovery

Our toolkit is not a course, as we believe that the healing journey isn’t linear and takes time. It consists of exclusive tools that you can fall back on every time you need them. In this way, the toolkit empowers you to explore and heal at your own pace, with somatic & meditative self-inquiry exercises designed to guide you through each phase of your journey.

Perfectionism - Parts work and integration exercise
Emotion Regulation Exercises

We strongly believe that suppressed emotions lie at the root of your suffering in life. Our tools help you to access these suppressed emotions, and teach you how to understand, feel, express and regulate them. This helps you to increase your level of emotional tolerance: The nr. 1 key to healing & transformation!

JULY SALE: Purchase the Toolkit now for €33 instead of €49. 

Overcome your Fear of Speaking Up & Free your authentic Voice!

Trusting the Truth that is Living inside of you

“In our very traumatizing, emotionally immature and oppressive society a lot of us have been taught and conditioned to suppress our own truth, to fear it, and to never really listen to it or act upon it.

Especially for sensitive souls who are people pleasers, perfectionists and empaths (a.k.a. over-givers), it is hard to realize that the truth that is living inside of them is important and has value, and… they are allowed to listen to it.

Because of this, there is so much collective shame around listening to our own authentic truth. So, it’s not that crazy that a lot of us fear speaking our truth.

But as you can guess by now… to truly heal, grow, transform and create change, we have to start with trusting the truth that is living inside of us and start with expressing it.

When you learn to speak your truth, say no, and set healthy boundaries, you’ll start to feel safer and more grounded within yourself. You’ll realize that the power and freedom you seek are already within you, waiting to be unleashed.

Overcoming this fear is essential for manifesting your desires, sharing your gifts with the world, creating fulfilling relationships, and in the end create the changes individually and collectively that are so much needed right now.”

Myrthe Glasbergen MSc.
Founder, Occupational Health Psychologist, Coach & Creator

Here's What's In The Toolkit

1. Somatic Exercise – Healing Fear of Speaking Up (24 min)
This somatic exercise helps you to take a deep dive inside your body and subconscious mind to discover what is holding you back from speaking your truth and/or expressing yourself authentically, fully and freely. Discover which blockages are on your throat, understand them, listen to them, heal them, feel them and release them. Let the stuck energy in your throat flow again and finally find the courage to express all that is living inside of you!

2. Somatic Exercise – Healing Fear of Setting Boundaries (47 min)
Use this exercise to take a deep dive inside and understand why it is hard for you to set boundaries and/or to speak your truth. Often this can be traced back to negative experiences from your childhood or even intergenerational trauma. Take a deep dive inside, discover what is holding you back (or blocking you), feel the suppressed emotions behind the blockages, heal and integrate your hurt inner parts (inner child), and find the courage inside of you to speak your truth and share your authentic self with the world.

3. Somatic Exercise – Healing Fear of Abandonment / Rejection (32 min)
This somatic exercise helps you to heal and overcome your fear of abandonment. The fear that is almost always holding you back from having fulfilling relationships and creating the dreams that are living inside of you. It helps you to take a deep dive inside your body and subconscious mind to discover where your fear of abandonment is coming from and which unprocessed pain from the past is behind it. It helps you to start with processing this pain from your past, feel it, express it, heal it and integrate it.

4. Somatic Exercise – Overcoming People Pleasing (37 min)
In this somatic exercise you are going to use the (suppressed) emotions that are causing you to people please as an entrance to your past. You will discover when, why and how your people pleasing mechanism was created, and heal and integrate the wounded parts inside of you. The exercise will help you to to reparent yourself and understand what you need in the future to make people pleasing a conscious choice and not an involuntary response anymore.

5. Somatic Exercise – Transforming Anger (30 min)
This somatic exercise helps you to feel, release, heal and integrate the emotion of anger in a healthy and constructive way. Investigate why your anger is here and get to know the message behind it. Learn how to regulate yourself when you feel angry, come back to neutrality, and help yourself transform the energy of anger into something tangible that you can work with.

6. Emotional Inquiry – Guilt (29 min)
This emotional inquiry exercise helps you to dive deeper into the emotion of guilt. Understand why you feel guilty after setting a boundary, sharing a need, expressing your anger, or NOT please anymore. Listen to the message of guilt, find the event from your past that is connected to you feeling (disproportionately) guilty, and heal and integrate it by understanding what it needs.

7. Somatic Exercise – Overcoming Shame (32 min)
In this somatic exercise you will get to know how shame is blocking you in your daily life to express yourself authentically and to create the life you dream of. The exercise takes you all the way back to the first moment that you experienced shame in your life, that day that you decided to never ever feel that feeling again, to suppress it and protect yourself from it. But… by doing that you also suppressed parts of who you truly are, parts that you now so long to express. Parts of you that you have forgotten about because of that. Let’s heal your shame and rediscover who you truly are!

8. Workbook – Fear of speaking up or setting boundaries
This workbook contains a writing exercise that helps you to understand your fear of speaking up or setting boundaries better, and to reflect and review on the exercises from the toolkit. Next to this, it helps you to discover what you need to speak up more and more. 

JULY SALE: Purchase the Toolkit now for €33 instead of €49. 

Overcome your Fear of Speaking Up & Free your authentic Voice!

“I want to thank you. Today I expressed anger in a way I hardly ever do. It was just a loud response to a very usual bully attitude. I was surprised of myself and on purpose I let myself repeat louder. The person was confused but I didn’t explain. This is after a few days of doing your somatic meditations. While I usually freeze and am not able to respond.”

- Emilia


What happens after I purchase the toolkit?

After purchasing the toolkit, you will be redirected to the download page where you can download all the tracks immediately. You will also receive an email with the download links to all the tracks.

Your downloads will also be available for you in your Beyond Psychology Shop account: https://shop.beyondpsychology.eu/my-account/.

What is a Somatic Exercise?

A somatic exercise is a self-integration (or healing) exercise that helps you to heal the suppressed emotions that are stored in your body and that are connected to negative (or traumatic) experiences from your past, at the root. They aim to bring you into a receptive and investigative state from which you can understand yourself on a deeper level and heal your suffering at the root.

All our somatic exercises from Beyond Psychology are created by our founder and psychologist Myrthe Glasbergen (MSc.). They are designed to help you guide yourself through a therapeutical and self-reflective process, as if you were in a 1-on-1 session with a holistic guide, somatic practitioner or therapist. 

How to listen to a Somatic Exercise?

You can just place yourself in a quiet area where you feel safe and guarded, and where you can’t be disturbed. Make it yourself comfortable, don’t get too warm or too cold, sit down or lie down and put on some headphones. Then just close your eyes and follow the instructions. 

Know that you will not be in any kind of deep hypnosis, so you can always just open your eyes and/or stop the exercise when you feel like it. 

What is a Visualization Exercise?

A visualization is a self-inquiry exercise that helps you to reprogram your subconscious mind, (re)discover who you truly are, and understand, resolve, heal and integrate mental & emotional blockages at the root. The exercise helps you through active imagination getting to the root of your suffering, and heal and integrate it.

All our visualization exercises from Beyond Psychology are created by our founder and psychologist Myrthe Glasbergen (MSc.). They are designed to help you guide yourself through a therapeutical and self-reflective process, as if you were in a 1-on-1 session with a holistic guide, somatic practitioner or therapist.  

How to listen to a Visualization Exercise?

You can just place yourself in a quiet area where you feel safe and guarded, and where you can’t be disturbed. Make it yourself comfortable, don’t get too warm or too cold, sit down or lie down and put on some headphones. Then just close your eyes and follow the instructions.

Note: There is no right or wrong when doing a visualization exercise. So, when you are being asked to visualize something, just work with what comes up first. If you can’t visualize images, then work with feelings, words or colors. All is good!

Know that you will not be in any kind of deep hypnosis, so you can always just open your eyes and/or stop the exercise when you feel like it. 

How to listen to a meditation?

Just place yourself in a quiet area where you can’t be disturbed, make it yourself comfortable, don’t get too warm or too cold, sit down or lie down and put on some headphones. Close your eyes and surrender to the journey. You don’t have to do anything but breathing and listening.

What if I need help?

Our team is always ready to help you on your way. Just send an email to support@beyondpsychology.eu