Self-Love Toolkit


This toolkit is designed for everybody who wants to dive deeper into the concept of self-love and feels called to finally embody this concept instead of only thinking, reading and learning about it.

Our Self-love toolkit consists of 8 of our best healing tools (all with spoken word, poetry, healing music, voice healing and song), created by our founder Myrthe Glasbergen who is a psychologist (MSc.), coach, intuitive singer & creator.

Learn how to truly feel what it means to love yourself, radically accept all that you are right now, retrieve all the lost, hurt, scared and wounded parts inside of you that once decided they were not worthy of love, step into your true, authentic, emotionally mature self, and finally learn how to love yourself completely.

After purchasing the toolkit, you will be redirected to the download page where you can download all the tracks immediately. You will also receive an email with the download links to all the tracks.

Scroll down for more information.

Here’s what you will get:

1. Spoken word – The wound of unworthiness (15 min)

Dive deeper with us into the ‘wound of unworthiness’! The wound that is causing you to not love yourself right now and subconsciously dictates your life, choices and relationships. Learn how you can heal this wound and transform it! 

2. Visualization – Self-love: Visiting your unloved parts (48 min)

Go on a journey with us and take a deep dive inside to all the parts of yourself that you do not love or that you believe do not deserve love. Discover the deficiency story that you are telling yourself of why you aren’t worthy of receiving love and discover the connected suppressed emotions and/or traumatic event(s) to that story. Acknowledge it all, feel it all, heal it all and integrate it all with this exercise!

3. Somatic Exercise – Reprogramming Unworthiness (33 min)

Take a deep dive into your body and subconscious mind with this somatic exercise and start with reprogramming the belief of unworthiness that is living inside of you. Travel back to the moment in time where you installed this belief of unworthiness and where your unworthiness wound was created. Reprogram your subconscious mind and feel, heal and integrate the suppressed emotions connected to your beliefs of unworthiness.

4. Somatic exercise – Healing the Unworthiness Wound (36 min)

Use your body and its sensations as an entrance to your subconscious mind and suppressed emotions with this exercise. Discover which traumatic events from your past are tied to your feelings of unworthiness and not loving yourself. Travel back to your past with your body as a guide, and feel, release, heal and integrate your unworthiness wound.

5. Healing journey – Self-love: An (un)lovable story (15 min)

Dive deeper into the subject and feeling of self-love with this healing journey. Discover which deficiency stories are living inside of you. Transform those stories and free yourself from the burden of not feeling worthy of love. Alchemize your wounds and transform non-acceptance into a radical self-acceptance. The most freeing feeling there is!

6. Healing Music – The Angel that Fell (15 min)

The healing journey ‘The Angel That Fell’ is an intuitively created meditation and piece of art with spoken word, poetry, music and song that helps you to get into a state of relaxation and receptivity. Its energy captures the essence and purpose of life, and helps you to remember who you truly are. Just put on some headphones, close your eyes and surrender to the journey, you will return as a different person! 

7. Meditation – Healing the mother wound: The mother tree (29 min)

Start healing the mother wound with this loving, soothing and comforting meditation. Its energy is designed to help you tap into and recreate the most loving, beautiful, warm and soothing mother energy there is: presence, softness, acceptance, safety, warmth, tranquility, patience and forgiveness.

8. Meditation – Ode to the body (17 min)

Use this meditation to get into a very calming, soothing, comforting and receptive state of being from which you can investigate what your body wants to tell you. What does your body wants to communicate with you when you pay close attention? The meditation also helps you to acknowledge your body for the beautiful intelligent being it is. It’s your vehicle, your temple, the physical manifestation of your beautiful soul and it helps you to embrace and love all of it!


Heal from your past, Free your Authentic Self & Transform yourself and your life!

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