Healing Guilt – Somatic Exercise (29 min)
€ 14,99
This somatic exercise helps you to dive deeper into the emotion of guilt. Understand why you feel guilty after setting a boundary, sharing a need, expressing your anger, or NOT please anymore. Listen to the message of guilt, find the event from your past that is connected to you feeling (disproportionately) guilty, and heal and integrate it by understanding what it needs.
Duration of the exercise: 28:42 minutes
What is a somatic exercise?
A somatic exercise is a self-inquiry exercise that helps you to observe, investigate, reprogram and heal your subconscious mind and the (negative or traumatic) experiences from your past that are stored in your body. All our somatic exercises contain spoken word and aim to bring you into a receptive and investigative state from which you can understand yourself on a deeper level and heal your suffering at the root.
How to listen to a somatic exercise?
Just place yourself in a quiet area where you can't be disturbed, make it yourself comfortable, don't get too warm or too cold, sit down or lie down and put on some headphones. Close your eyes and surrender to the journey.
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